
ECC Awarded $431,616 NSF Grant

Erie Community College has been awarded a $431,616 grant from the National al Science Foundation's Advanced Technological Education division to support the creation of an Information Systems Security (ISS) certificate program at ECC.

For this three-year project, faculty at ECC and SUNY Buffalo's Center of Excellence in Information Systems Assurance Research and Education are working together to develop four new courses, Introduction to Computer and Information Security, Computer and Network Security, Operations and Database Security and Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Framework for Information Systems Security, as part of the ISS certificate program. The new certificate program and courses, which will be offered at all three ECC campuses, will focus on real-world problems and issues. Students will be able to participate in hands-on experiments dealing with computer security.

This project was developed by Dr. Donna Marie Kaputa, CIS instructor at ECC, with the assistance of Dr. Shambhu Upadhyaya and Dr. Raghav Rao from the State University of New York at Buffalo. Other ECC faculty on the project team included CIS Instructors Louise Kowalski, and Associate Math Professor Anthony Kuroski.
[Academics exp. 10.1]


"This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under the Grant No. 0402388."

Erie Community College University at Buffalo Nation Science Foundation
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