Digital Forensics Education

Erie Community College in collaboration with the Naval Postgraduate School is excited to announce the formation of a workshop on Digital Forensics Education.  The purpose of the workshop is to bring together educators who are teaching (or plan to teach) courses in computer forensics and are supervising student research. Dr. Simson Garfinkel will present his AFF and forensics corpora, and explain how it can be integrated into digital forensics education.

This conference is open to all, but we explicitly invite educators and students at 2 year and 4 year programs.

Educators are encouraged to submit teaching materials and abstracts for short talks. This may include, but is not limited to, an overview of their digital forensics curriculum, what they are doing, best practices, graduate placement and any teaching materials.

All submitted materials should be freely redistributable, free of copyright and PII issues.

Stipends for educators at 2 and 4 year programs are available to cover travel costs for educators that attend the workshop. Date: tuesday, July 27, 2010. Place: Erie Community College, North

Registration details to follow.


"This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under the Grant No. 0802062."

Erie Community College University at Buffalo Nation Science Foundation
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