White Hat Agreement

As part of this course, you may be exposed to systems, tools and, techniques related to Information Security. With proper use, these components allow a security or network administrator to better understand the vulnerabilities and security precautions in effect. Misused, intentionally or accidentally, these components can result in breaches of security, damage to data or other undesirable results.

Since these lab experiments will be carried out in part in a public network that is used by people for real work, you must agree to the following before you can participate. If you are unwilling to sign this form, then you can not participate in the lab exercises.

Student agreement form

I agree to:

I agree to NOT:

Moreover, i consent for my course accounts and systems to be examined for security and privacy vulnerabilities by other students in the course, with the understanding that this may result in information about me being disclosed (if applicable).

This agreement has been explained to me to my satisfaction. I agree to abide by the conditions of the Code of Ethics and White Hat Agreement.

Signed:                                                                                            Date:                                                              
Printed name:                                                                                  
E-mail address:                                                                                                                         

"This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under the Grant No. 0402388."

Erie Community College University at Buffalo Nation Science Foundation
What is ISSC?
Portable Educational Network
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